
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Do what 'WE DO.'

The Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) is "an international organization that advocates for women’s equality in global policy. It seeks to empower women as decision makers to achieve economic, social and gender justice, a healthy, peaceful planet and human rights for all." They focus on four main program areas:

* " The Gender and Governance Program works for women's full and equal access in public life, working towards women’s equal participation and representation, especially in governmental decision-making positions."

* "The Sustainable Development Program fosters development that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just and works to strengthen alliances between the women's and environmental movements."

* "The Economic and Social Justice Program promotes a gender perspective as necessary to advancing the economic and social rights of women and all people by focusing on poverty eradication, international trade, debt cancellation, and resource allocation."

* "The US Global Policy Program focuses on the unprecedented influence of the U.S. government on world affairs and its impact on women’s daily lives and works to counter the negative impact of U.S. unilateralism on women living in the U.S. and around the world."

Visit the WEDO website to sign up for their e-newsletter, browse through and learn from their library and get involved in campaigns that promote worldwide social justice. This is another of the organizations I learned about from Life and Debt and is especially appropriate to discuss during this women's history month. I love their acronym: WE DO!

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