
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Get help (part 2).

A few months ago, I wrote about thirteen 12-step programs that people with various addictions can use to get help in recovery. But, as anyone with addiction in the family knows, addiction affects family members, friends and all those who love or interact with the person who is addicted. Thankfully there is help available.

If you love a person with an addiction and are concerned about that person and yourself, use these resources and Family Groups to "share experiences, strength, and hope in order to solve common problems":

* Debt-Anon Family Groups "consist of relatives and friends of money and debt addicts who realize that by banding together they can better solve their common problems." 

* Al-Anon/AlaTeen - "No matter what relationship you have with an alcoholic, whether they are still drinking or not, all who have been affected by someone else’s drinking can find solutions that lead to serenity in the Al-Anon/Alateen fellowship." The site is available in Español and Français .

* Co-Anon Family Groups "are a fellowship of men and women who are husbands, wives, parents, relatives or close friends of someone who is chemically dependent. If you are seeking a solution to the problems that come from living with a practicing or recovering cocaine addict, we at Co-Anon can help you."

* Gam-Anon is a self-help organization and "a life saving instrument for the spouse, family or close friends of compulsive gamblers."

* COSA "An anonymous 12-Step fellowship open to those whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior."

* Adult Children of Alcholics "is a Twelve Step ,Twelve Tradition program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. We meet with each other in a mutually respectful, safe environment and acknowledge our common experiences. We discover how childhood affected us in the past and influences us in the present ("The Problem"). We take positive action. By practicing the Twelve Steps, focusing on "The Solution", and accepting a loving Higher Power of our understanding, we find freedom from the past and a way to improve our lives today."

* Nar-Anon "is a twelve-step program designed to help relatives and friends of [narcotics ] addicts recover from the effects of living with an addicted relative or friend."

* S-Anon Family Groups "are a fellowship of the relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems."

* OLGAnon Family Groups "are a fellowship for relatives and friends of on-line gaming addicts, who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to resolve their problems."

* Sober-24 is "a virtual fellowship for recovery. If you are recovering from alcohol or drug addiction, or are a loved one of someone in recovery (or who needs recovery) you are welcome at"

Find a meeting. Get the help you need for yourself. Life is too short and too long not to.

"Change not the mass but change the fabric of your own soul and your own visions, and you change all." - Vachel Lindsay


Karama said...

And if you are addicted to nicotine, remember tomorrow is the Great American Smokeout. Now is a great time to quit smoking.

Chandira said...

Karama, can I plug my husband's website here? He counsels sex addicts, and is opening up a phone business doing it, so he's available anywhere in the US.