
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Donate Blood (An FAQ).

When people find out that I am a regular blood donor, they often have lots of questions. I see of these same questions online, so in an effort to clarify the blood donation process, here are my answers to some questions I am frequently asked:

* How much money do you get to donate blood? None. You won't get monetary payment but they always offer cookies and juice, though. And maybe a T-shirt or raffle ticket. Small tokens of appreciation.

* How long does it take to donate blood? It usually take me a little less than an hour. Not too long to save up to three lives.

* Does donating blood hurt? There's a sting at first when the needle is inserted, but it's not bad and it doesn't last. I notice it less and less nowadays.

* How can I find a blood drive? Visit or call 1-800-GIVE LIFE. You can also visit or call 1-888-USBLOOD.

* Do you feel weak after donating blood? I don't. But I make sure to follow the donation center's instructions - no heavy lifting, double water intake, etc.

* Do you do anything special before you donate blood I make sure I've eaten well before I go and drink more water the day before. Nothing big.

* How often do you donate blood? Roughly every two months. Most folks can donate every 56 days.

Got more questions? Check out the Red Cross FAQs on blood, blood needs, and blood donation.

"Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage." - Benjamin Disraeli