
Thursday, October 07, 2004

Crisis in Sudan

Diaspora Professionals sponsored a great panel discussion last month on the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan. I learned a lot about Sudan's history and current situation, and about the Sudanese population in Atlanta. The frustration I felt regarding the enormity of the situation was a real impetus in my starting this blog. Kudos to Diaspora for putting this together!

A representative from CARE was in the audience and suggested that organization's website as a place to find information and donate money. Visit CARE at, and if you are interested, I'll send you the names of some organizations that work with Sudanese refugees in Atlanta. Donations of money and household items are often needed. And volunteers are needed to teach English, urban life skills, etc. Peace and blessings to my brothers and sisters in Sudan.

1 comment:

Karama said...

Here are more ways you can help:

* Write a letter of concern to the media or your elected officials.
* Support relief organizations that are working to ease the suffering in Sudan.
* Assist Sudanese refugees in the US and elsewhere.
* Learn more about what's happening in Sudan.
* Divest from the Khartoum government.

Other suggestions? Bring 'em on!